I mostly do layout-to-website conversion and Wordpress template implementation,
but also develop custom-built CMS from the ground up (this website uses
I believe each website should determine the resources needed for it
to be implemented and run in the most effective way.
Most at home doing frontend work, but can hold my own on backend duty.
Disce quasi semper victurus,
Learn as if you could live forever,
Following coding standards and good development practices.Up-to-date, optimized, customized and streamlined solutions.
Web. Mobile. Desktop.
I have started developing mobile apps as a part of my academic career and
tasks, and have since moved on to creating them professionally as well.
Experienced with both iOS (Objective-C and Swift) and Android.
Coming from the times of Visual Basic 6 I've been dabbling with desktop development
for fun and experimentation.
Need came to develop specific tools for a number of uses, and sometimes
web-based isn't the way to go.
I have since created sotware with Python, Qt, C++ and Java, focusing
mostly on Windows OS, with multi-OS porting in mind.
Although I am a coder at heart, I have a soft spot for graphical-related work. I particularly enjoy interface building and interaction implementation. That's why in web-tech I tend to lean towards frontend, and in terms of mobile development I lean towards graphical/interface driven apps. Nonetheless, I have experience with backend coding on one hand, and with data-driven apps on the other, so I can go that route with ease if needed.
Linkedin is the place where I list all projects I work on, complete with project details (as discretion allows), tech-specificities and any other important/interesting particularities.
Tools & skills
I know my way around a number of programming languages and frameworks, with varying degrees of proficiency. This is my self-assessed level with some of them. I do not believe in overselling myself, and am told I have a tendency to underestimate my skills, but here it is anyway.
Remember, nonetheless, that individual mastery of any given tool is not directly correlated to the capability of using it practically! As in: the end total is greater than the sum of all parts, or something like that...
Other more specific tools and languages are featured in the academic and media sections, as fitting (e.g. Unity, libPD, JUCE).
Academia & Research
Bachelor degree in Music Production and Technologies.Masters degree in Multimedia - Interactive Music and Sound Design.
Currently pursuing a PhD in Digital Media.
Sound & Music. Computing.
My research stands at an intersection between music and computing, focusing
in particular on mobile-based approaches and systems.
Although in the past I have done research work in the field of Acoustics during my bachelor's degree, ever since my masters degree I have been focusing on research around mobile-based digital instrument design and user-participatory perfomance systems.
A lot of my work is done using or based around so-called
building-blocks DSP software (e.g. Pure Data, Max/MSP, Reaktor).
I did my fair share of algorithm and signal processing chain implementation
especially using PD and Max, but have lately been more focused on extending
their functionality to suit my particular needs, by means of external
object development.
Side-by-side with my professional activity, I pursue an academic career, having worked as a researcher on Acoustics at the IPP's Musical Acoustics Laboratory and more recently as a researcher on Sound and Music Computing at Porto's INESC-TEC research institute, and currently being enrolled in the Digital Media Doctoral Program at FEUP.
During my time at the Musical Acoustic's Laboratory I did research on the influence of the mute on the viola's sound.
As part of my Master's thesis and while at INESC-TEC I helped develop a system for audience participation in concerts using mobile phones - the a.bel system. This system aimed at allowing the audience attending a particular concert to participate in said concert by means of their smartphones, using a custom-built application and connected to a network.
My tasks on this project consisted of developing the tools for composers to use (Pure Data external object development and aditional web-based configuration and testng tools), their integration within mobile apps (using libPD) and the development and implementation of the iOS version of the a.bel app. Shortly before I left INESC-TEC I also had started a ground-up redesign of the Android app.
This paper was selected for paper presentation, poster presentation and demo presentation at ICLI'16, Brighton, UK.
The a.bel project aims to provide artists with a way to easily interact with their audience, making use of their participation to effectively craft unique performances. This paper gives an overview of the a.bel system and details the development of a suite of tools (as well as its integration into mobile applications) with which multimedia artists can easily create and distribute interactive content unto mobile devices.
This paper presents a work contemplating the development of a suite of Pure Data tools and templates, as well as their integration into multi-platform mobile applications via libPD. It is part of a larger project, encompassing the design and implementation of a system allowing for interaction between performer and audience via their smartphones.
Using the developed toolset, multimedia artists can easily create and distribute interactive content unto mobile devices by means of this networked system, without any additional expertise other than normal Pure Data content creation, providing them with a familiar and immediate way of using this system.
Tools & skills
Throughout the course of my research career I have used a plethora of tools, frameworks and programming languages, having acquired varying degrees of proficiency with each (for web and app development proficiencies see the development section). This is self-assessed level of proficiency, so take it with a grain of salt. Or sugar if you have high blood pressure. Or just plain, if you are OCD about your health.
Soundtracks and sound design for both audiovisual and games.Audio mixing and mastering services.
Game development.
Music. Sound. Games.
Music has been a constant part of my life for around 30 years (!!) now.
I started learning it formally when I was little, and have been playing
in bands (crossing over a plethora of different genres) for around 18
In recent years I crossed over from making music for myself to creating
it for others, by starting to work on soundtracks for movies and games
and doing some jingles for marketing purposes.
Other than working as a developer, I have worked extensively as a sound engineer,
handling both in-studio band recording and production, and audio-visual
pre and post-production.
I have worked as a live sound engineer, movie sound director, recordist,
boom operator, mixer, sound designer and soundtrack composer for movies
and games.
I have also taught Sound/Audio theory classes and conducted some workshops
on specific topics.
Game development has always been a dream of mine since adolescence (how unique,
I know). Nowadays I can finally spend some of my spare time doing it,
handling all tasks involved, from development to graphics and sound.
My field of interest in gamedev is wide, although I do have a soft spot
for retro-inspired games, mostly 2D stuff.
Most games I've worked on either consist of academic exercises or personal
projects, although that doesn't mean I don't fully commit to the project
in itself.
Game development
Since I mostly do gamedev as a personal interest, I tend to test and experiment with as much different game engines as I can possibly get time to, while at the same time trying to focus my efforts on the ones I find work the best for me (hint: GameMaker and Unity - I personally lean towards 2D and retro-inspired games, so they both suit my needs perfectly). Lately I've been trying to get into Godot engine, but time will tell if it's right for me.
This is actually the only area where I'll post portfolio directly on the website. Considering all these are WIP, prototypes or demos, they're not really projects I'll be posting on linkedin. So there, click the icon below to show some previews.
Sven, the Axeplorer
This is the game I'm currently working on, my first using GameMaker. It's a 2D side-scrolling
platformer, in the vein of classic Nintendo Gameboy platformers (Super Mario
Land, Wario Land, Kid Dracula, and the such). Considering my (very) retro-oriented
taste, and the fact that GB remains to this day my favourite console, it made
sense for me to eventually have a go at this kind of 4-bit retro goodness. This
footage showcases the first level of the game with base mechanics working, and
is heavily WIP.
All development and assets created by myself (code, artwork, sound, music).
This prototype was made in Unity as an academic exercise. It's a 2D post-apocalyptic
(??) top-down stealth game with procedurally generated levels and 2D tile normal
mapping. The demo only features 1 level, repeated infinitely whenever you complete
it. Since it is procedurally generated, you actually never play the same twice.
Player and enemy sprites are modified from
opengameart assets. Coding, tileset and all other artwork created by me,
as well as menu music.
Get to Class
This was actually my first experience with Unity. It's a simple 2D game mimicking
the mechanics of the old-school
Elevator Action games (at least in a very simplified way). The demo features
3 levels (pre-generated) and was used as a way to test implementing a tile-based
map and some sprite animation tricks.
Coding, tileset, pickups and menu artwork created by me (check credits for other
Skills & tools
In general terms my main focus in media is, of course, audio and sound, having invested a large portion of my professional and academic career in and around it. Nonetheless, both as a personal interest and as support for my other main areas of work (development and audio), I've come to become somewhat aquainted and know my way around some particular visual/graphical software, both for static and moving mediums (fancy way of saying image and video editing).
I use a lot of specific software, both music, visuals and gamedev-wise, and these are my self-assessed levels of proficiency with some of them.
I create music and sound for games and movies. Click the Soundcloud icon to load a player with some of my for-hire music composition work. You can check my Soundcloud account for more music, and my linkedin account for details on the projects I worked on.

I've also been composing, playing and releasing music with a number of bands spanning different
genres for a decent amount of years now (going on 18), having been fortunated enough to travel
abroad on several ocasions for it.
If you click below you can see some of my most recent music releases and concerts.
linkedin has a more complete list.
Released by Underground Longhorn Records (USA)
Released by Advoxya Records (HUN)
Released by Advoxya Records (HUN)
Released by Self Mutilation Services (MEX)
Released by Enough Records (PT)
Opener for William Control (USA) & Combichrist (USA)
Co-headlining tour with Cygnosic (GR)
Headliner at Energy Open Air festival, with Cygnosic (GR), Stahlnebel & Black Selkhet (DE) and others.
Opener act for Suicide Commando (BE)
Opener act at Noise Complex Festival with Aliceffekt (CAN), C-Lekktor (MEX), FabrikC (DE), Terrorfakt (USA) & others.
Know more about me.Inquire about my services. Reach out.
Learn. Find. Interact.
As much as I like working, you know what they say...
Work hard, play harder.
I'm a musician, a healthy lifestyle advocate, cooking addicted, gym
passionate, comics and videogame aficionado (retrogaming is life), and
maybe some more.
I spend most of my free time working out and cooking (yes, that much),
making music (check the
media section for more on that), playing games, reading, drawing
or just chilling. Exciting, isn't it?!??
If you so wish, you can find me on the social profiles below and find out
a bit more about me.
Soundcloud is a place for my music, and linkedin is work-focused
duh?).It is also the place where you will find my most complete
and up-to-date professional portfolio, education details, list of coursework
and certifications, etc, etc, etc. Do check it out.